An industry player (from a startup to a large corporate), NGO or academic research center active in healthcare and life sciences, or a hospital/private clinic, home care institutions, health authorities willing to:
- Launch a new product/service on the market
- Relocate in Switzerland or access the EU market
- Re-position in a new market segment
- Promote your product to prescribers
- Raise funds (e.g. startup)
During the pre-launch phase :
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Market access and product commercialization should be at the heart of your business and product development process to set up a clear corporate strategy. The sooner the better, i.e. the market research for defining the pricing and value proposition, the market validation, the marketing plan for brand promotion, the market characterization process as well as the sales force roadmap should ideally be set in motion at least 2 years before the product launch.
Vivactis will conduct for you detailed market research studies to obtain the relevant and accurate data you will need prior to launching and marketing a product or a service. As healthcare specialists ourselves, we of course understand your market from inside and will therefore provide you with results focused on your current needs and adapted to your resources.
Vivactis will conduct for you detailed market research studies to obtain the relevant and accurate data you will need prior to launching and marketing a product or a service. As healthcare specialists ourselves, we of course understand your market from inside and will therefore provide you with results focused on your current needs and adapted to your resources.
BUSINESS CASES – product launches & Marketing Strategies
Context : A Swiss SME in cosmetics needs to develop a marketing strategy to launch a new product on the EU market.
Vivactis solution & deliverables :
- Conduct market analyses to understand the specifics of the 5 main European markets, allowing the customer to expand their trade area
- Assist our customer in adapting their communication tactics to the new product
- Detailed communication plan to launch the product in the new countries
- Reinforce the scientific message by reviewing customer's data and making them “marketable”.
Context : A local start-up in the field of Medtech wants to re-position its brand towards a novel diagnostic application.
Vivactis solution & deliverables :
- Conduct market research for potential competitors in the field
- Identify the audience to be targeted and its needs
- Recommendation for brand strategy, company’s repositioning (new vision, mission, slogan…) and adaptation of the scientific message to the novel application
- Detailed marketing & com plan with tactics and channels to make the healthcare professionals aware of the company’s new positioning
- Development of a scientific file to engage KOLs
- Contact with KOLs to run clinical studies
- Development of promotional material (promotional brochure, content for new section on the website, detailing schema and detailing aid for the sales force).
Context : An American (East coast) SME has developed a diagnostic test to detect rapidly nosocomial infections. The company wants to open a new office in the Canton of Vaud to expand its market in Switzerland and asks Vivactis to develop a marketing and communication strategy to target healthcare professionals in the region.
Vivactis solution :
- Obtain visibility with local healthcare professionals
- Establish collaborations with KOLs to run post-marketing (phase IV) clinical studies
Vivactis deliverables :
- Competition & target analysis
- Results of (re)branding workshop (new vision, mission, objectives, value proposition…)
- Communication & marketing strategy to reach out the local healthcare professionals in infectious diseases (including list of KOLs)
- Updated scientific file for submission to KOLs in order to establish collaborations for future clinical studies in Switzerland
- Brochure for infectious disease specialists to make them aware of the company's product
- Brochure for non-professionals to make decision-makers within hospitals (e.g. heads of purchase departments) aware of the company's product
- Booth material to present the company's product at local conferences.