A company active in Medtech, Biotech, Diagnostics, e-Health or Life Sciences and willing to develop a full professional medical education ("Meded") program to:
- Promote discussions with HCPs on a new therapeutic approach or medical device/service
- Educate HCPs on the use of a new medical device/procedure (e.g. for continuous education and/or clinical trials)
- (Re)train the future/current product users
- (Re)educate your professional education team & proctors who train the product users
- Provide scientific & clinical support for commercial products
- Drive behavioral changes in clinical practice.
A complete portfolio of Meded services all along the training program :
Innovative & engaging digital Meded tools such as e-learning platforms, digital congresses, e-digests, clinical gaming/VR. More information on Digital Meded.
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Today, physicians must keep up with major advances in a fast-changing environment and maintain a continuous professional education. Strict regulations have been set up to ensure more professional and transparent medical education for healthcare professionals.
Medical education is a good way to engage the dialog between industry players and health professionals and to promote the use of a technology or service by maintaining an optimal balance between scientific credibility and a commercial perspective. Vivactis helps you develop effective Meded strategies and material by respecting such balance.
Medical education is a good way to engage the dialog between industry players and health professionals and to promote the use of a technology or service by maintaining an optimal balance between scientific credibility and a commercial perspective. Vivactis helps you develop effective Meded strategies and material by respecting such balance.
BUSINESS CASES – Medical Education
Context : A Medtech company needs to develop a full professional education program and related training material to train surgical team members for the use of a new medical device.
Vivactis solution :
- Review of the technical documents on product & procedure
- Interviews of expert clinicians & reporting
- Participation into meetings with the client & Advisory Boards with KOLs
- Determination of site selection criteria, learning objectives, min. requirements, required training sessions & training material
- Development of a full Meded program to train the users, i.e. HCPs (e.g. surgeon, anesthetist, nurse…) and the trainers (internal & external)
- Edition of the regulatory documents describing the training procedure (SOPs) and related documentation forms
- Creation of content for training support in compliance with the regulatory documents.
Vivactis deliverables :
- SOPs and all related documentation forms
- Training material (training manuals & slide decks, reminder checklists, simulator user guides, live case sliced videos…).
Context : A customer from the healthcare industry is struggling with one of its products, which is under-prescribed for a certain indication. Vivactis is mandated to collect and summarize the scientific evidences about the product and fine-tune the message to be sent to the medical community.
Vivactis solution :
- Switch prescription habits on the basis of scientific evidence.
Vivactis deliverables :
- Literature review and reporting of scientific evidences
- Content editing on the basis of new scientific evidences
- Highly specialized communication campaign targeting KOLs
- Training of marketing and sales teams for the new message (detailing schema & detailing aid).